By Anupam Mishra: The Border Security Force (BSF) on Monday apprehended two people trying to smuggle 52 gold biscuits worth Rs 4.24 crore across the Indo-Bangla border. The smugglers were held at an Integrated Check Post (ICP) in Petrapole in North 24 Parganas district.
The jawans of ICP Petrapole received reliable information about gold smuggling from Bangladesh to India through the Royal Friendship International Passenger Bus. The bus was travelling from Agartala via Dhaka to Kolkata.
When the bus reached ICP Petrapole, the jawans stopped the bus and brought it to the security checking point of the BSF for a search.
The BSF search team conducted a thorough probe of the bus and found 52 gold biscuits weighing 6,950 grams in the hollow pipe near its fuel tank. The bus driver, Mustafa, and his helper, Matur Rahman Akanda, both residents of Bangladesh, were nabbed on the spot.
The estimated value of the seized gold biscuits is Rs 4,23,64,882. The apprehended smugglers and the seized gold biscuits were handed over to Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI), Kolkata.
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The Director-General of BSF congratulated the BSF troops over their success and announced cash rewards for them.
To prevent border smuggling activities, Border Security Force officials also appealed to people living along border areas to report any information related to gold smuggling through their ‘Seema Saathi’ helpline number 14419. A suitable reward will be given to the person that provides useful information and their identity will be kept confidential, said BSF officials.