Lately, Salman Khan has been in the headlines for his upcoming film, Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan. However, a few weeks ago, an old video of the superstar resurfaced on the internet. For the unversed, in the video, he can be seen talking about Juhi Chawla‘s father rejecting his marriage proposal for her. The video has been garnering a lot of attention online, with fans of both Salman and Juhi expressing their surprise and amusement, Chawla has recently reacted to it. Not only this but she has also opened up about never doing a film with Salman.
Juhi Chawla reacts to Salman Khan’s proposal statement; speaks about the reason behind not working with him
It all happened during her interaction with News18. When asked to share her take on the viral video, Juhi laughed off. In the clip, Khan had said about Juhi, “She’s a very sweet, adorable girl. I asked her father if you let her get married to me. He refused.” As the conversation progressed further, Juhi recalled refusing to do a film where he was supposed to be in the lead role opposite her.
The Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak fame actress was quoted saying, “Back in the day, when I had just started out in my career, and when Salman was not THE Salman Khan, a film had come my way that had him in the lead actor. In fact, I didn’t know anyone properly back then – not him, not Aamir (Khan) or anyone else in the industry. Incidentally, I couldn’t do the film because of some issue.”
The Yes Boss actress continued, “And to this day, he doesn’t leave one chance to remind me of it! ‘You didn’t do the film with me,’ he keeps saying! We hardly worked on films together but we did a lot of stage shows. He had a cameo in Deewana Mastana.”
Also Read: SCOOP: The real reason why there is NO WRITER CREDIT in Salman Khan’s Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan
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