By Pramod Madhav: In a quest to highlight the effect of the heat wave conditions in parts of Tamil Nadu, a man ended up taking a bath while riding a scooter and asked his friend to record the act. As the video went viral on social media, police officials tracked down the duo and imposed a fine of Rs 2,000 each on them.
In the 15-second video, a man wearing a shirt and half-pants can be seen riding a white scooter, carrying a bucket full of water and a mug. As the video progresses, the man pours water on his body with one hand and balances his scooter with the other.
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After the video went viral, police investigated the matter and identified the youth featured in the video as Arunachalam and the person who shot the video as Prasanna.
Police said the duo was fined for riding dangerously and posing danger to other commuters.
The summer in Chennai is getting hotter by the day, with mercury levels rising up to at least 40°C for the last few days. According to a forecast by the Indian Meteorological Department, Chennai residents might have to face similar conditions throughout the week. The IMD has predicted that Chennai will see the mercury rising up to at least 40°C till May 19, Friday.
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The Met department also said that the maximum temperatures recorded on Tuesday in parts of Tamil Nadu, including Chennai were above normal by 2 to 3°C. In Chennai, Nungambakkam and Meenambakkam recorded a 40.8 °C on Tuesday.