The track ‘Jai Shri Ram‘ from the movie Adipurush has taken not only the nation but also the world by storm! Following the release of the highly anticipated teaser in multiple languages, including Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada, fans were left in awe and eagerly awaited the full version. Composed by the renowned duo Ajay-Atul and featuring powerful lyrics by Manoj Muntashir, this extraordinary song pays a glorious tribute to the might and power of Prabhu Shri Ram.
Team Adipurush launches full version of the track ‘Jai Shri Ram’; watch
Not only through the gripping visuals but the song was also launched in a magnificent manner through an immersive experience as the composer duo Ajay-Atul along with 30+ choir singers performed the song. From Nashik dhols to the ‘Jai Shri Ram’, this one of its kind launch was indeed an enchanting experience.
Directed by Om Raut and produced by Bhushan Kumar, Adipurush is a cinematic masterpiece that brings together an exceptional ensemble cast including Prabhas, Saif Ali Khan, Kriti Sanon, Sunny Singh, and Devdatta Nage. With its mesmerising melody, breathtaking visuals, and impactful storytelling, ‘Jai Shri Ram‘ is more than just a song, it is a captivating anthem that resonates deeply with audiences worldwide, symbolizing the strength and significance of invoking the name of Prabhu Shri Ram.
Showcasing Raghav’s true essence and glory, ‘Jai Shri Ram’ is sure to leave listeners in awe of his divine power. With its infectious energy, soaring vocals, and soul-stirring composition, the song is a cultural phenomenon and a source of inspiration for millions.
Adipurush, directed by Om Raut is produced by T- Series, Bhushan Kumar and Krishan Kumar, Om Raut, Prasad Sutar, and Rajesh Nair of Retrophiles and will be releasing globally on June 16, 2023.
Also Read: EXCLUSIVE: Taran Adarsh shares honest take on Adipurush teaser and trailer; says, “I told Om Raut and Prabhas that I have not liked your teaser, but I have loved the trailer”
More Pages: Adipurush Box Office Collection
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