Kareena Kapoor Khan announced her next collaboration with Rhea Kapoor last year titled The Crew after the much-successful association in Veere Di Wedding. While their latest venture will be different from their previous collaboration, the producer-actor will be joining hands with a new set of female co-stars, Kriti Sanon and Tabu. While the latter two have taken off to Goa, Kareena is expected to join them shortly. On Sunday morning, the two actresses were seen bonding over tea in the flight whereas they were ‘missing’ their third partner-in-crime.
Kriti Sanon and Tabu bond over chai as they take for The Crew shoot; have a fun banter with Kareena Kapoor Khan
The team of the film are currently taking off to Goa where they will be shooting an important schedule of The Crew. In a fun Instagram post shared by Kriti Sanon on Sunday, the actress posted a ‘boomerang’ clip of her and Tabu enjoying a cup of tea together on the flight to Goa. She captioned, “Chai pe Charcha. Missing you @kareenakapooorkhan <3. #thecrew @tabutiful <3. @rheakapoor the crew has boarded.” Kareena responded to the story adding that she will be joining the crew on Monday as she added, “Where are the biscuits ladies? <3 See you tomorrow <3”. The banter continued as Kriti responded to it saying, “Umm.. we will have to manage with Goa ke biscuits! @tabutiful finished the Dilli wala box! #CrewkiChai”.
The banter between the ladies seem to showcase the fun camaraderie that the trio share and looks like it will be reflecting on the film too. Produced by Rhea Kapoor, The Crew is directed by Rajesh Krishnan. The film is also expected to feature Diljit Dosanjh in a pivotal role. Earlier reports also suggested that popular comedian Kapil Sharma too will be a part of this venture.
On the work front, Kriti Sanon has projects like Ganapath, Adipurush, and Shahid Kapoor’s next in the pipeline. Coming to Kareena Kapoor Khan, the actress has Hansal Mehta’s next and the adaptation of Devotion of Suspect X up for release.
Also Read: Kriti Sanon gives fans a behind-the-scenes look at her late-night shoot for The Crew; watch
More Pages: The Crew Box Office Collection
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