Television actress Vaibhavi Upadhyaya, best known for her role as Roshesh Sarabhai’s love interest in Sarabhai vs Sarabhai season 2, tragically lost her life in a car accident in Himachal Pradesh. The news of her untimely demise has shocked the industry and left her family, friends, and fans in deep mourning. As her loved ones bid her a final farewell during a prayer meeting, her fiance, Jay Gandhi, expressed his heartfelt emotions through a touching social media post.
Vaibhavi Upadhyaya’s fiancé Jay Gandhi pens emotional note for Sarabhai Vs Sarabhai actress; says, “If only I could have you back…”
In the wake of Vaibhavi’s untimely demise, her fiance, identified as Jay, took to social media to express his profound grief. Addressing her as his ‘gundi,’ he poured out his emotions in a heartfelt note. Jay conveyed how he deeply misses her every moment of every day and assured her that she will never truly be gone as he will hold her safe in his heart forever. Along with his emotional message, he shared a tender photograph of the couple embracing each other, likely to have been taken during their roka ceremony.
Jay posted another tribute to Vaibhavi on social media. In his post, he reminisced about their cherished moments together and expressed how those memories will always bring a smile to his face. He yearned for the chance to have her back, even if just for a little while, so they could sit and talk as they used to.
Jay acknowledged the enduring significance Vaibhavi held in his life and confessed that her absence would always cause him pain. However, he found solace in the fact that she will forever remain in his heart until they meet again.
For the unversed, on May 24, the news of her death was shared by Sarabhai Vs Sarabhai creator and producer, JD Majethia. He took to Twitter to inform, “Life is so unpredictable. A very fine actress, dear friend Vaibhavi Upadhyay popularly known as Jasmine of Sarabhai vs Sarabhai passed away. She met with an accident in north.”
Also Read: After the demise of Vaibhavi Upadhyaya in a road accident, fiancé Jay Gandhi refutes claims of the couple not wearing seat belts
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