Palak Tiwari, who is getting ready to make her Bollywood debut, is once again making news for her incredible sense of style. The diva has often shown that she is unstoppable and possesses ground-breaking fashion sense. Palak easily pulls off every look with ease, whether it be magnificent vibrant gowns or ethnic attire with lots of embellishment. On April 10, Salman Khan and Pooja Hegde’s next movie Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan’s trailer was unveiled. Palak was spotted there. The diva has gotten right into the movie’s promotion, and once more she grabbed attention with her stylish outfit while taking part in promotional events of the film.
Palak Tiwari nails cool summer chic look in gingham halter neck top and blue denims for Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan promotions
The fashion diaries of Palak Tiwari are always appreciated by us. Her reputation in the fashion industry has grown as a result of her always spectacular appearances. In fact, she has served as a great source of inspiration for modern fashion lovers. Palak has a highly modern sense of style, therefore she chose a cute yet stunning outfit from the racks of the clothing shop Iaso in order to maintain her aesthetic. She chose a corset top in a gingham pattern. Her top has lace tie portions on the sides and a halter neck tie at the neck. The top’s back bow gives it a more unique edge. She decided on blue denim pants with a halter top. She enhanced the look by wearing white heels, hoop earrings and bracelets for accessories. Palak took the glamorous route and wore blushed highlighted cheeks, kohl-rimmed eyes, sample mascara and glossy lips. Her wavy locks were left open.
On the professional front, Palak will soon be seen in Salman Khan’s anticipated film Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan. She also has The Virgin Tree in her pipeline wherein she stars opposite Sunny Singh.
ACTRESS: Palak Tiwari
STYLIST: Anisha Gandhi
JEWELLERY: Radhika Aggarwal studio
HAIR & MAKE-UP: Rahul Sharma
Also Read: Palak Tiwari clarifies Salman Khan’s ‘be covered like good, proper girls’ statement: ‘It’s really been misunderstood’
More Pages: Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan Box Office Collection
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