Ahead of his Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) questioning in the liquor policy case on Sunday, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal addressed media persons and said the central probe agency would arrest him if the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) instructed it. “CBI will arrest me if BJP has instructed the agency,” said the AAP leader, who held a high-level meeting of the top party leaders at his residence on Sunday morning. Launching a scathing attack on the BJP, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief said, “These people could send anyone to jail. They do not consider even innocent people.” Kejriwal, who on Friday claimed that there was no liquor policy scam, said, “They (BJP) have become very arrogant. They do not understand anyone and keep threatening whomever they want. They threaten judges, the media and industrialists.”