Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s radio show ‘Mann Ki Baat’ has completed 100 episodes today. ‘Mann Ki Baat’ is a journey from myself to ourselves, the prime minister said in the 100th address.
PM Modi took to Twitter ahead of his address and said, “This has been a truly special journey, in which we have celebrated the collective spirit of the people of India and highlighted inspiring life journeys.”
The 100th episode of Modi’s monthly radio address aired at 11 am IST on April 30. It also aired in the UN’s Trusteeship Council Chamber. Senior BJP leaders Rajnath Singh, Amit Shah, Yogi Adityanath and others also tuned in to the monthly radio programme today.
The BJP has left no stone unturned to make the 100th episode of Mann Ki Baat an ‘unprecedented’ mass outreach programme.