By Rittick Mondal: West Bengal Police said that a few goons attacked the office of Trinamool Congress leader Raju Nashkar in Kolkata’s Beliaghata area on Sunday. One person sustained injuries after the reported incident took place in the area at around 1.30 pm. He was taken to a nearby hospital.
The police further said that the miscreants fired gunshots, pelted stones and ransacked the TMC leader’s office. Additional police forces immediately rushed to the spot.
“We were told it was a fall out of Trinamool Congress’s inner fight in Beliaghata,” said the police.
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Speaking to India Today, TMC leader Raju Nashkar said, “Alok Das, leader from another fraction of Trinamool Congress, was involved in this incident. He wants to rule in this area forcefully.”
“I even spoke to our party leaders about this, but no action was taken,” added Raju Naskar.
“They vandalised my office and car, and beat up party activists,” he claimed.