By India Today News Desk: “This is an assault on Hindu sentiments around the world,” said Kanchan Gupta, senior advisor, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, while sharing a tweet by Ukraine’s Ministry of Defence which had tweeted a picture depicting Goddess Kali. The Ukraine ministry’s tweet, which has now been deleted, was captioned “Work of art” with an image of Goddess Kali superimposed over a blast fume.
Kanchan Gupta said the pictures show “the real face of the Ukraine government”, which came days after the country’s deputy foreign minister Emine Dzhaparova came to India. She was the first high-ranking Ukrainian official to visit India ever since the war broke out in Kyiv in February 2022.
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Gupta said Ukraine has mocked “Goddess Kali in a manner no foreign government or country has ever done”. He also branded the Ukraine ministry’s actions as “brazen hate speech”.
Netizens across the country have also expressed their outrage over the tweet and many people slammed the ministry, saying Ukraine has insulted India after it sought help for its ongoing war against Russia.
“Absolutely disgraceful behaviour from @DefenceU (Defense of Ukraine) with their distasteful depiction mocking Maa Kali. India has given aid to Ukraine and this is how they repay them. Hindus demand an apology NOW,” wrote a Twitter user.
Another user slammed the defence ministry for its caption and wrote, “Shocking! Official handle of Ukraine Defense Ministry is portraying Maa Kali in a demeaning pose. This is not a work of art. Our faith is not a matter of joke. Take it down and apologise @DefenceU.”
Ukraine has been at war with Russia since February 2022. So far, India has not taken any side in the conflict and called for dialogue to resolve the ongoing crisis.
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Published On:
May 1, 2023