The well-known Bollywood celebrity couple, Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover, welcomed their daughter Devi in November of last year. The couple frequently shared peeks of their little angel with their Insta fam. Bipasha recently shared a cute family photo and the internet is going in awe of them.
Bipasha Basu shares an endearing family photo daughter Devi and Karan Singh Grover; see picture
On Tuesday, Bipasha took to Instagram and shared a sweet family photograph on her Instagram account along with her baby daughter Devi. The image captured Bipasha holding her daughter in her arms, while Karan took the picture. Bipasha’s six-month-old daughter, Devi, charmed the viewers with her impeccable sense of style, as she was dressed in a stunning blue striped dress with a white t-shirt underneath. Devi looked incredibly cute with matching shoes and a bow headband. Sharing the photo, Bipasha wrote in caption, “My whole world in a picture.”
Soon after she shared the photo, fans poured their love in the comments section. Karan commented, “My whole world too.” Reacting to the post, a user commented, “Soooo beautiful” while another fan wrote, “This is soo cute…may god bless this family.”
On April 30, 2016, the pair wed in a celebrity-studded event. They subsequently organised a glamorous celebration for their business associates, which was attended by celebrities like Salman Khan, Abhishek Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, and others from the world of show business.
On the Bollywood front, Bipasha Basu was last seen in the film Alone with her husband Karan Singh Grover. The couple once again were seen together in the film Dangerous in 2020, which is streaming on MX Player. The actress also essayed the character of an anchor in the horror show Darr Sabko Lagta Hai which aired on &TV.
Also Read: Bipasha Basu shares glimpses of her birthday fun on social media; calls it ‘so different but so special’
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