Bollywood actor Aayush Sharma, who is gearing up for his upcoming film Ruslaan, has responded to the online criticism he has faced since marrying Arpita Khan, Salman Khan’s sister. He also disclosed the distressing fact that people target his wife, commenting on her weight and complexion.
Aayush Sharma breaks his silence on accusations of marrying Arpita Khan for acting opportunities; says, “People would say, ‘He’s blowing up Salman Khan’s money’”
Addressing the issue of Arpita being targeted by trolls, Aayush Sharma shared with Bombay Times, “Arpita is a very strong, confident woman, and it is amazing to have her as a partner. She accepts who she is. This constant trolling hasn’t affected us because she’s seen this side of showbiz, while I was new to it. What hurt me the most was that the trolls came up with a theory that I married her for money and to become an actor. I loved Arpita and so I married her! The good thing is that she knew it, I knew it, and our families knew it.”
He further added, “I would get trolled even when I went on vacations, as people would say, ‘He’s blowing up Salman Khan’s money.’ There were stories that Salman Khan gifted a Rolls-Royce to us at our wedding and I am still wondering where that Rolls-Royce is.”
Arpita, the youngest child in the family, is the adoptive daughter of screenwriter Salim Khan and actor Helen. After dating for a considerable period, Aayush Sharma tied the knot with Arpita Khan on November 18, 2014. The couple has been blessed with two children, namely Ayat Sharma and Ahil Sharma.
On professional front, Directed by Katyayan Shivpuri, the film Ruslaan unveiled its official trailer on April 21. Alongside Aayush Sharma, the movie also features the debutant actress Sushrii Mishraa in the lead role. The release of the trailer generated an overwhelmingly positive response from the audience, who were captivated by the unique character portrayed by Aayush Sharma. The actor alsp has Karan Lalit Butani’s directorial Kwatha in his pipeline. The film also features Isabelle Kaif.
Also Read: Salman Khan’s brother-in-law Aayush Sharma receives legal notice for alleged plagiarism in Ruslaan dialogues & story
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