Veteran Bollywood actor Anupam Kher recently opened up about his friendship with Kirron Kher, which started during their theatre days in Chandigarh. Despite having no apparent connection, they became the best of friends and continued doing theatre together. Anupam also shared his biggest fear, which is losing his memory, citing Dilip Kumar’s unfortunate loss of memory as an example.
Anupam Kher reveals he was a “simple village boy” when he first met Kirron; says, “She had problems in marriage”
Anupam Kher recently told ANI about his encounter with Kirron. He said, “She was a star already then. She was doing theatres, she was working in movies. She is an MA first class first. I met her in Chandigarh. I was a simple village boy. Apparently, there was no connection between us. She was married then and had Sikandar (Kher). We used to be best of friends and we did theatres together. Later when she had problems in marriage, I was ditched by the person I was going with, and then things started to change. But we always remain best friends first.”
Kher also discussed his most significant apprehension and the strategies he utilized to conquer his fear of failure. Anupam asserted, “If you ask me about my biggest fear, it is the fear of losing memory. If you don’t have memory, you have nothing. Dilip Saab (Kumar) lost his memory. He was an amazing person, an amazing storyteller, a person with vast knowledge of many things.”
On the professional front, Anupam Kher was last seen in Shiv Shastri Balboa alongside Neena Gupta. The actor has many interesting projects lined up in his pipeline. He has started working on The Vaccine War as well. This is his third collaboration with director Vivek Agnihotri after Buddha In A Traffic Jam and last year’s blockbuster The Kashmir Files. The actor also has Kangana Ranaut’s directorial Emergency. Some of his other films include Kuch Khatta Ho Jaaye, Anurag Basu’s Metro In Dino with Aditya Roy Kapur and Sara Ali Khan, The Signature with Mahima Chaudhry, IB71 and Nautanki.
Also Read: Anupam Kher on Boycott Bollywood trend, “It will not affect a film”; shares his views on Laal Singh Chaddha’s failure
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