Earlier today, we had given you a glimpse of Anushka Sharma sashaying the red carpet of Festival De Cannes 2023 with panache and elegance in her ivory-colored silhouette gown as she attended the premiere of The Oak with L’Oreal co-ambassadors Eva Longoria and Andie MacDowell. Now the actress has been leaving her fans enthralled with yet another set of photos from her first evening at Cannes. Post the red carpet, Anushka was seen stepping out in chic Prada separates as she explored the night life of the French Riveira.
Anushka Sharma paints the town ‘pink’ at Cannes 2023
Anushka Sharma impressed many critics with her power pink top with two tails and sequined black pants, hair pulled in a chic ponytail, and pairing all of it with diamond accessories and a matching clutch. It seems that the actress left even her co-actresses impressed with her sense of style. After Anushka Sharma decided to share glimpses of this ‘La nuit’ on Instagram, her colleague Nargis Fakhri showered her love on the look by dropping heart-eye and fire emojis. Besides her, many of Anushka’s fans couldn’t stop gushing over this look.
One of the fans described her as the most beautiful actress of B-town saying, “There is no one is better than you in the whole film industry <3 <3 you are the most beautiful and gorgeous”. Yet another fan added, “Queen is slayin!” Fans of Virushka too dropped several gif memes of Virat appreciating and praising, showcasing their love for the latest look of Sharma.
Readers would be aware that Anushka Sharma debuted at Cannes this year as the brand ambassador for L’Oreal Paris. Along with the actress, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Aditi Rao Hydari also attended the French Riviera Film Festival as the brand faces of the cosmetics giant.
Also Read: Anushka Sharma makes her Cannes red carpet debut; husband Virat Kohli has a ‘hearty’ reaction
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