Readers would recall that Kangana Ranaut had accused Javed Akhtar of telling her to ‘commit suicide’ during the Sushant Singh Rajput suicide case, prompting the writer-lyricist to take legal action against the actress. Now, reportedly, Akhtar opened up about what transpired after the actress’ allegations and how he felt ‘humiliated’. He also revealed that he would have ignored had the matter died down but as it refused to settle, he decided to file a complaint against Kangana.
Javed Akhtar recalls feeling ‘humiliated’ and opens up about filing case against Kangana Ranaut because of ‘tremendous pressure’
In a statement given to India Today, Javed Akhtar said, “Suicide had become a buzz word after Sushant Singh Rajput’s death and she used it to make an allegation that I was from some suicide brigade and that I was forcing her to commit suicide. If it was so, she would have mentioned it in her first statement in the magazine.” He continued, “I was very upset and may have chosen to ignore it. We are lazy people who are concerned with the creative field. It took me 4-5 months to file this case as I saw that it was not going away. I was under tremendous pressure. I was feeling humiliated. People did not let me forget it, and it was getting bigger and more and more embarrassing, so I had to file this complaint.”
Earlier Kangana Ranaut had told Pinkvilla about Javed Akhtar threatened her to back down and stay away from the Roshans after she called Hrithik Roshan, her ‘ex’, during a media interview. The actress had said, “Once Javed Akhtar had called me to his house and told me that Rakesh Roshan and his family are very big people. If you don’t apologise to them, you will have nowhere to go. They will put you in jail, and eventually, the only path would be that of destruction…you will commit suicide. These were his words. Why did he think if I don’t apologise to Hrithik Roshan, I would have to commit suicide? He shouted and yelled at me. I was shaking in his house”
However, Javed denied these allegations, adding, “I tried to convince her by saying that only people are having fun at hearing all this while her name is being muddied and it would affect her career. However, Ranaut was not receptive to my suggestion as I had a very formal relationship with her, so I was not able to insist after a point and I told her to forget about these things. We parted on a friendly note.”
Also Read: Javed Akhtar reacts to Kangana Ranaut’s tweet supporting him; says, “I don’t consider Kangana important”
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