Salman Khan, who continues to enjoy his bachelorhood, has been rumoured to date many actresses and among them was Sangeeta Bijlani, who is expected to have dated the Bollywood superstar in the 80s. Recently, the ongoing comedy sketch show The Kapil Sharma Show on Sony TV had invited the popular actresses of the 80s which included the Tridev actress along with Varsha Usgaonkar and Mandakini. The show celebrated the era of these heroines and during the same, the host Kapil Sharma teased Bijlani about her rumoured love Khan as well as about her former cricketer-husband Mohammad Azharuddin.
Kapil Sharma discusses about Sangeeta Bijlani and her ‘Bollywood’ as well as ‘cricket’ fan following in the latest episode
Readers would recall that Sangeeta Bijlani was rumoured to be dating Salman Khan for almost a decade. While reports in the past even went on to suggest that the two were considering getting engaged, the actress left many surprised by announcing her marriage with former Indian cricket captain Azharuddin. Hinting at the same, the host on The Kapil Sharma Show said, “India mein do hi cheezein chalti hain – ek hai Bollywood, dusra hai cricket. Lekin yeh ek aisi actress hain jinke Bollywood aur cricket dono hi deewane the (There are only two things that work in India – one is Bollywood, second is cricket. However, here is one actress who had a fan following in Bollywood as well as cricket)”.
His comment left everyone, including judge Archana Puran Singh in splits and taking it in her stride, Bijlani also nodded in agreement over the comment. In the same episode, Bijlani also discussed about her first break in Bollywood which was given by Rajiv Rai in the film Tridev. The film was a multi-starrer, in which Bijlani featured alongside Jackie Shroff.
Sangeeta Bijlani tied the knot with Mohammad Azharuddin in 1996 but quit the film industry post her wedding. However, the actress ended her marriage with the former Indian cricketer in 2010.
Also Read: Sangeeta Bijlani, Mandakini & Varsha Usgaonkar relive The Golden Era | The Kapil Sharma Show | Promo
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