In a heart-wrenching turn of events, popular playback singer KK left the music industry in mourning as he tragically passed away a year ago. The talented artist graced the stage at Kolkata’s Nazrul Mancha on May 31, 2022, as part of Sir Gurudas Mahavidyalaya’s Utkarsh 2022 fest. However, shortly after his performance, the music world was left in shock as KK succumbed to cardiac arrest at the age of 53. On the first death anniversary of KK, his contemporary Shaan remembered him.
KK death anniversary: Shaan recalls being “shattered” on hearing about his demise; says, “I thought it was a prank”
During an interview with Hindustan Times, Shaan recalled, “I thought it was a prank. But when I realised it was true, I was shattered. He was among the most disciplined people around. He wouldn’t smoke or drink and was perfect as far as striking a work-life balance was concerned. The fact that he’d get a heart attack was something no one could believe. I can’t believe it’s been a year since he left us.”
Speaking of his dear friend, Shaan further added, “KK was very disciplined. He’d be on time and his preparation – for a song recording or stage show – was always on point. We did some great duets together. While some went on to become anthem hits like ‘Dus Bahaane’ (Dus; 2005), ‘Koi Kahe Kehta Rahe’ (Dil Chahta Hai; 2001) and ‘It’s The Time To Disco’ (Kal Ho Naa Ho; 2003), others like ‘Jo Dar Gaya Woh Mar Gaya’ (Ghaath; 2000) and ‘Dekho Nashe Mein’ (Race; 2008) are also memorable.”
He concluded by saying, “He preferred meeting people one-on-one and having engaging chats. Now that he’s gone, there are so many memories and things he said that I recall. I also realise that a lot of stuff that he’d say casually had such deep meaning. But he’d say it so casually that it didn’t come across as something so meaningful back then.”
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