Powerhouse performer Manoj Bajpayee has given multiple critically acclaimed films in his nearly three-decade-long acting career. However, his road to success was not a cakewalk. Recently, Manoj reflected on his journey and remembered the time when he was ready to return home. The actor also revealed that he was treated ‘shabbily’ by casting assistants even after being a theatre actor. In fact, he was told ‘na hero dikhta hai na villain’.
Manoj Bajpayee recalls being told ‘na hero dikhta hai na villain’; reflects on his struggles
During an interview with Indian Express, Manoj asserted, “There were so many people standing in audition queues, and the assistants would be talking to all of us in the same manner. I would feel I have done theatre, have been part of Bandit Queen, and here is a young man treating me so badly. That was the time I felt I was probably in an illusion that I was a good actor. I wasn’t even getting work and decided that if something doesn’t come by next week, I will go back. This is not meant for me.”
Digging deeper into the challenges he encountered, the National Award-winning actor revealed that he had to endure comments about his appearance, often faced with such remarks directly. “Good that they said it on my face. That helped me to not keep big hopes of becoming a big star. People would comment that you neither look like a hero nor a villain. So, they would always put me as a sidekick to the villain, not even the hero’s friend.”
Coming to the professional front, the 54-year-old actor is currently bagging positive reviews for his performance in Zee5’s Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai.
Also Read: Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai producer Vinod Bhanushali reacts on Manoj Bajpayee starrer breaking records on ZEE5: “Audience prefers to watch a good and compelling story”
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