Sudipto Sen’s The Kerala Story has earned Rs 100 crores in the first week of its release. When this writer reached out for his reaction, Sen said, “I feel very happy, but I’ve definitely not gone overboard with pride and confidence. I have many more stories to tell, and I don’t want to rest on my laurels. I knew this film would be a success. I worked for seven years on the project. I knew its potential.”
SCOOP: The Kerala Story director Sudipto Sen offered a film on radicalization of boys
A lot of the cynics are asking why The Kerala Story is only about the radicalization of women and why not men? Sudipto said, “It was always meant to be a story of three friends, who happen to be women. It was not a planned strategy. Now, some producer has offered me a project as a sequel to The Kerala Story about the radicalization of boys.”
Sudipto also shed light on why his producer Vipul Shah is credited as “creative director” in The Kerala Story. “He served as co-ordinating force among several teams of creative people, who worked on the project. The team was diverse and there were a number of difficult locations. Vipul da made it all possible.”
The Kerala Story stars Adah Sharma, Yogita Bihani, Siddhi Idnani and Sonia Balani.
Also Read: The Kerala Story gets mysteriously pulled from British cinemas after not receiving age certification
More Pages: The Kerala Story Box Office Collection
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