Veteran actress and talk show host Simi Garewal recently found herself in the midst of controversy after sharing a throwback clip from her show Rendezvous with Simi Garewal. The footage was from her interview with tennis player Mahesh Bhupathi and his first wife Shvetha Jaishankar. However, Simi has now responded to the backlash. In her response to trolls, Simi stated that it’s sad that people are “quick” to form a judgement.
Simi Garewal stands firm on sharing interview with Mahesh Bhupathi and his first wife; says, “We gain from learning about human experiences”
For the unversed, Mahesh and Shvetha parted ways after being married for seven years. Later, Mahesh tied the knot with actress Lara Dutta and Shvetha married a Chennai-based businessman Raghu Kailas. Given their history, a section of Instagram users called it inappropriate to put it out when they were no longer together. A comment read, “Shouldn’t be putting lows of someone’s life out there.. they have long moved on, why to touch those strings?”
Before Garewal responded to the troll, an Instagram user defended Simi and wrote, “Why don’t you read the post entirely and see what Simi ji is trying to say! The post ends on a beautiful note. It would be wise to focus on that instead of trying to find something negative, especially when it wasn’t intended!” While saying thank you to the user for defending her, she replied, “I appreciate your post. People are so quick to judge without even reading the entire post! These are real life stories.. We gain from learning about human experiences..(with happy endings).”
In the caption of the post, which was shared three days ago, Simi Garewal discussed the separation of the former couple and their subsequent journey towards finding new life partners.
Also Read: Simi Garewal remembers cousin Pamela Chopra as a guiding light of Yash Raj Films
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