Sonam Kapoor is all set to return to the world of Bollywood post motherhood. The actress, who has been spending quality time with her husband Anand Ahuja and son Vayu, will soon be returning to films with Blind. Although work on the film was kickstarted much earlier, this Hindi remake of the Korean drama is yet to find a release date. While we await more details on that front, director Shome Makhija decided to give fans of the actress a sneak peek into the world of Blind on social media.
Sonam Kapoor takes us into world of cops and guns in these latest photos from Blind
Shome Makhija took to Instagram to share a series of photos which appear to be sequences from the film including one where Sonam Kapoor is seen yielding a gun. The photos also indicate that the otherwise fashionista will not only be seen in a power-packed role but also in a de-glam avatar in the film. The filmmaker shared these photos with the caption, “A glimpse into the world of #BLIND”. Not only were these pictures reposted by the leading lady but it was also shared by her husband Anand Ahuja on their respective Instagram stories.
For the unversed, Blind is a remake of the Korean film by the same name and it is expected to feature Sonam Kapoor in the role of a blind ex-cop, who loses her eyesight during an accident. She soon becomes a target of a serial killer, after she reports an incident and she has to protect herself from this maniac with the help of a police officer, who is considered pointless by his colleagues, and a young delivery boy, who is the only eye-witness to the case.
While earlier it was being said that the film will be having a theatrical release, it seems that the makers will be having an OTT release. Produced by Jio Studios, the film also stars Purab Kohli, Vinay Pathak, Lillete Dubey, among others.
Also Read: Sonam Kapoor Ahuja’s wedding lehenga gets displayed at NMACC in Mumbai
More Pages: Blind Box Office Collection
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