Vicky Kaushal and Salman Khan recently came into news after a video of them grabbed the attention on social media. A video featuring Salman’s bodyguards pushing away Kaushal left the latter’s fans disappointed with the way their idol was treated, followed by which many trolled the superstar’s entourage. Vicky, who is currently in Dubai for the upcoming IIFA Awards on May 27, reacted to the video that has been going viral on social media and called it ‘unnecessary chatter’.
Vicky Kaushal reacts to a video featuring Salman Khan ignoring him; clarifies about it at IIFA 2023
Vicky Kaushal recently walked the IIFA green carpet at the IIFA Rocks ceremony that was held on May 26. During the same event, Vicky was asked about a video that has been doing the rounds on social media. The video featured Vicky clicking photos with his fans, when suddenly Salman Khan and his team of security arrive. While the Masaan actor attempts to greet the superstar, the security pushes him away. This video did not go down well with the fans of Kaushal who trolled Khan, calling him ‘rude’ for not greeting the actor back as well as for not controlling his security team.
Zara bach ke Vicky ????
by u/yours_truly_Davina in BollyBlindsNGossip
However, during the media interaction at the IIFA Rocks green carpet, Vicky asserted that the video received unnecessary hype and was misrepresented. He said, “Kayi baar bahut baatein badh jaati hain (Sometimes a lot of things are blown out of proportion). There is unnecessary chatter about many things, Things are not actually as they seem sometimes in the video.” Followed by his statement, Salman and Vicky greeted and hugged each other warmly at the green carpet.
For the unversed, Salman Khan is not only the brand ambassador for IIFA Awards 2023 but he will also be walking the ramp as the showstopper for Manish Malhotra at IIFA Rocks and will also be performing on his popular tracks on stage for the award ceremony. On the other hand, Vicky Kaushal is expected to host the main IIFA ceremony on May 27 along with Abhishek Bachchan.
Also Read: Vicky Kaushal poses with an Aston Martin in his recent photoshoot and fans can’t stop swooning
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