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HomeHealthAyurvedic Treatment of Diabetes: An Ayurvedic Guide to Better Sugar Le

Ayurvedic Treatment of Diabetes: An Ayurvedic Guide to Better Sugar Le


According to recent stats, India has more than 77 million adults living with Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus). Researchers predict that this will increase to 134 million by 2045.

With an astounding number of people living with Diabetes, no wonder India is the diabetes capital of the world. With so many people suffering from Diabetes in every age group, it has also become an underlying cause for multiple other fetal health issues. 

This lifestyle health condition can be managed easily with holistic health care offered by Ayurveda. People can benefit immensely from the diet, lifestyle and medicines prescribed in Ayurveda to create a balance in their life and manage their sugar levels successfully. 

Ayurveda as a science of life aims at balancing the doshas and other elements of the body to create a disease-free state of being. So worry no more, as we are here to guide you with healing and holistic ayurvedic lifestyle tips to bring those elevated sugar levels (glucose levels) back to normal.  

Let us find out about Diabetes from an Ayurveda perspective.

What does Ayurveda say about Diabetes (Type 2 Diabetes)?

Ayurveda classifies Diabetes as one of the Prameha diseases. Prameha means excessive secretion of diseased urine. It can be divided into two types:

Sahaja Prameha/Beeja dosha– This includes, patients with prameha since birth or who are born to parents suffering from this ailment. 

Apathya nimitaja prameha/doshaj– This type of prameha is manifested in patients with bad eating habits and an unhealthy lifestyle leading to aggravated doshas. 

Leading a sedentary lifestyle, excessively sleeping and over intake of milk/ milk products, jaggery, freshly harvested cereals, alcoholic drinks, meat juices of domestic and aquatic animals and animals from marshy lands aggravate the Kapha dosha in the body. This aggravated Kapha dosha is responsible for causing Prameha

Diabetes is caused by vitiated Kapah and Vata dosha in the body. 

How does Diabetes develop in the body? 

(Samprapti or Pathogenesis of Diabetes) 

This aggravated Kapha dosha further vitiates meda (fat), mamsa (muscle tissues) and kleda ( liquid dhatus), vitiated liquid dhatus transform into urine while Kapha obstructs urinary channels. 

Excessive intake of astringent, cold and pungent things, keeping awake at night, stress, anxiety, suppression of urges for urine and tools, excessive administration of emesis are also Kapha dosha aggravating factors. 

Also, aggravated Vata draws vasa (muscle fats), lasika (lymph) and Ojas to channels carrying urine excretion of Ojas through urinary bladder is mentioned as Madhumeha (Diabetes Mellitus) in Ayurveda.

According to Ayurveda, Diabetes is predominantly caused due to an imbalance of Kapha and Vata doshas, which results in a diminished Digestive Fire (Agni). This depleted Agni causes blockage of channels and depletion of Dhatus (tissues) in the body. 

Poorva Rupa (Premonitory Symptoms)

You can experience symptoms such as a sweet taste in the mouth, excessive sleep, continuous drowsiness, dryness in the mouth, numbness and burning sensation in hands and feet, the attraction of insects and ants by your urine (due to sweet urine), thirst and laziness. 

Recommended Ayurvedic Aahar (Diabetic Diet) for Better Diabetes Management

It is recommended to avoid foods that aggravate doshas. You should follow a Kapha pacifying diet like meals made from barley, millets, honey, low-fat milk etc. In tune with following the diabetic diet, you should also avoid heavy, oily and cold foods.

Recommended lifestyle changes for Better Diabetes Management

It is recommended to lead an active life. An increase in physical activities by regularly walking, exercising or practicing Yoga is helpful in sugar level management. 

In todays’ fast-paced lifestyle, being stressed and anxious can cause more diseases than ever before. Keep a check on your stress levels by maintaining a daily journal. Practicing Transcendental meditation is beneficial for stress management and you should spend more time in nature and doing things that you love. 

What is Insulin Resistance & Insulin Sensitivity?

Insulin, the key hormone secreted by Pancreas helps control the blood glucose levels in the body. When your body cells are insulin resistant, they become inefficient in using the sugar effectively, resulting in high blood sugar levels in the bloodstream.

When the Pancreas sense high blood sugar in the body, it starts the process of secreting more insulin in the body. And, more insulin in the bloodstream makes the cells insulin resistant. 

Insulin sensitivity refers to the “responsiveness” of body cells to the insulin hormone. This is the sole reason that diabetic person should aim at increasing their insulin sensitivity. This can be easily done through diet and lifestyle modifications. 

What is Pre Diabetes and its symptoms?

Do you know many people ignore the initial signs and symptoms of Diabetes and ultimately it gets converted into full-blown diabetes?

This initial condition is also known as the “Prediabetic condition” is a crucial stage, if taken care of at the right time can prevent the onset of diabetes type-2. 

Prediabetes is a condition where blood sugar levels are slightly higher than normal levels, but not high enough yet to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes. It puts you at a higher risk of getting Diabetes, Heart diseases and Strokes. Here are a few subtle signs that can help you in diagnosing Prediabetes. 

  • You can experience blurry vision
  • There can be excessive thirst and frequent urination
  • There can be increased instances of urinary tract infections and other types of infections
  • Increased irritability, nervousness or anxiety
  • Itchy skin, cold hands and feet
  • Dry mouth
  • Feeling sensations such as tingling, numbness, pain or burning in your extremities
  • Occurrence of thick, dark, velvety patches on your skin (especially near armpits, neck and elbows)
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Unusual fatigue
  • Slow healing of wounds

Recommended Ayurvedic Chikitsa (Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes Mellitus)

The treatment approach is unique to every individual and depends on the age group and severity of the condition. Ayurvedic treatment of diabetes (Madhumeha) involves dietary changes (Pathya), medicines/herbal formulations, physical exercise (Vyaayam), and Panchakarma (bio-detoxification procedures).

For weak emaciated patients, a nourishing therapy is suggested. 

For obese and strong patients, elimination therapy is good which includes Vamana (emesis) for kaphaja prameha and virechana (purgation) for pittaja prameha

This should be followed by santarpana or refreshing therapy to avoid the aggravation of Vata dosha.

Potent Ayurvedic herbs to manage Diabetes Mellitus

Ayurveda suggests the use of some powerful herbs that have the potential to increase insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels in the body. 

These are Shilajit, Turmeric, Neem, Amalaki, Triphala, Bitter gourd, Rose apple, leaves of Bilva, Cinnamon, Fenugreek, Bay leaf, Gurmar ( Gymnema) Aloe vera and  Ivy gourd (Tindora). 


In Ayurveda, neem has been used since historical times for blood purification and boosting immunity. The bitter leaf of neem is a rich source of flavonoids, triterpenoids, anti-viral compounds and glycosides,  which helps in managing blood sugar levels.


This Ayurvedic detoxifier helps in enhancing the body’s metabolism and removes excess fat from the body.


Amla is a potent anti-oxidant and a rich source of Vitamin C. It helps boost immunity and relieves diabetes-related complications. 

Amla lowers sorbitol (toxic sugar) that increases the risk of diabetic complications, such as retinopathy, neuropathy, and kidney damage in diabetes patients. It enhances insulin sensitivity, glucose tolerance, prevents oxidation, promotes blood oxygenation and promotes cell regeneration. 


Turmeric that contains Curcuma as an active ingredient is anti-inflammatory,anti-allergic, anti-cancer. It is known for its ability to reduce insulin resistance by improving the beta cells functioning. Turmeric also acts as a blood purifier and helps in better sugar level management.

Bilva/ Bael

Bael leaves contain active ingredients called “Feronia gum”. This ingredient is present in the bark and branches of the Bael tree. It has been shown that Bael helps in the regulation of insulin production and blood sugar management.


Jamun seeds are used in Ayurveda for their potential to manage blood sugar levels. Two key phytochemicals in Jamun seeds, Jamboline and Jambosine can slow down the release of sugar and can boost insulin production. There are alkaloids that convert starch into energy and reduce symptoms of diabetes. 

Karela (Bitter Gourd)

This vegetable’s juice works wonders in reducing and managing complications of diabetes. Studies have shown that Kerela juice reduces blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. This can be taken in combination with amla juice. 


This popular herb in India is known for its extraordinary medicinal properties for boosting immunity.  It also improves pancreatic beta-cell functioning and insulin secretion in the body thereby helping in blood sugar management. 


It is common to use fenugreek seeds for Diabetes because of their property to balance the aggravated Kapha dosha. It can be used in powdered form and aids in improving sugar metabolism.


Gurmar has been used in Ayurveda for its sugar-regulating properties. It contains Gymnemic acid as the key component that has proven anti-diabetic properties. These combine with the sugar molecules in the body to form complexes that are difficult to be absorbed in the bloodstream. Gudmar or Gurmar is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. It prevents the pancreatic cells from damage caused by free radicals and enhances insulin secretion. This results in effective blood sugar management in Diabetic patients.


This extract has been used in Ayurveda traditionally for diabetes treatment. The bark of this tree is used in lowering blood sugar levels in diabetic people. 


The bark of the Vijaysar tree has been known for its Tikta (bitter) and Kashaya (astringent) properties. It has Kapha and Pitta balancing properties. This plant extract helps in the management of blood sugar levels by promoting insulin and pancreatic beta cells activation. It is also known for bringing down sugar cravings and weight loss.   


Consuming cinnamon daily can improve blood sugar levels, triglycerides and cholesterol levels in diabetic people. It improves insulin sensitivity, lowers fasting blood sugar levels and reduces HBA1C levels. 

Aloe vera

Regularly taking aloe vera stimulates the secretion of insulin, which is particularly useful for people suffering from diabetes


Arjuna chaal has been used in ancient Ayurveda for its properties to reduce sugar levels. 


It has Katu, Tikta and Ushna properties that help to balance the vitiated Kapha dosha. Haridra is great for protecting against infections in diabetic patients due to its antiseptic properties. 

Recommended Ayurvedic formulations/ medications / medicines for Diabetes type -2


Studies have shown that Triphala can lower blood sugar levels in Diabetic patients by inhibiting digestive enzymes (glycolytic enzymes) and lowering the absorption of glucose. 

Chandraprabha Vati

Chandraprabha Vati may be useful for diabetics as its components have a blood-glucose-lowering effect. It also helps enhance the action of insulin and lowers triglyceride levels in the body. Chandraprabha Vati may be taken to reduce elevated lipid associated with Diabetes Mellitus.


 This is an Ayurvedic formulation for Diabetic patients. This formula is clinically tested at AIIMS, New Delhi and King George Medical College Lucknow. Glucomap has been shown to reduce fasting blood glucose levels and HBA1C levels in the body naturally.

Diabetes Care Therapy 

Diabetes Care Therapy is a combination of Glucomap, Amrit Kalash and Triphala. Let us know about the combo in detail-

Glucomap is an ayurvedic medicine for Diabetes that improves blood-sugar metabolism and reduces HbA1C levels in diabetics. It stimulates Beta cells of the Pancreas and Protects the Liver from damage.

Amrit Kalash (Sugar-Free) is a scientifically researched Rasayana that provides an ample amount of antioxidants to protect the body and support the healthy functioning of all the organs. It builds the innate intelligence of the body, boosts immunity, improves energy, reduces stress, sharpens memory, and prevents the body from diabetes-related damage.

Triphala is an age-old ayurvedic formulation that helps detoxify the body and supports a healthy digestive system. It also works on better sugar level management. 

Maharishi Ayurveda Diabetes Care Therapy works on pacifying the doshas, stimulating the Digestive Fire, removing blockages of channels and nourishing the Dhatus (tissues), especially that of the Pancreas.  

So, hope you try these Ayurveda lifestyle tips for great sugar level management. For getting complete guidance on your individual condition, you can contact us or visit our clinics and our Expert Vaidya will help you out with the best Diabetes management therapies available in Ayurveda.



Q. Which is the best Ayurvedic medicine for diabetics (type-2 diabetes)?

Ans. A scientifically tested formulation called Glucomap is one of the best Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes. It works on the fundamental level to restore the functioning of the Pancreas for better sugar level management. It reduces fasting blood glucose as well as after-meal blood glucose levels in diabetic patients along with significantly reducing HbA1c levels.  Being herbal and highly effective in Pre-Diabetes conditions, this ayurvedic medication works well for all age groups.

Q. Can Ayurveda cure diabetics?

Ans. Ayurveda being a holistic science recommends a multipronged strategy for diabetes. Ayurvedic treatment of diabetes can be done by incorporating dietary changes (Pathya), ayurvedic formulations, physical exercise (Vyaayam), and Panchakarma. Ayurveda works on the principles of balancing the three doshas of the body to attain a disease-free state. So, these procedures and medicines can help balance the Kapha and Vata dosha, which is the underlying cause of Diabetes according to Ayurveda.  

Q. How effective is Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes?

Ans. Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes can be really effective as the approach is to balance the three doshas in the body and bring balance. The medications used in Ayurveda, such as Glucomap are 100% herbal and scientifically tested. These are highly effective, natural and have no harmful side effects on the body as offered by allopathic medication. The best part about these formulations is that they can be easily supplemented with the allopathic medication suggested by doctors. Ayurveda also lays emphasis on following a healthy lifestyle for proper blood sugar level management.

Q. How can I reduce my blood sugar immediately in Ayurveda?

Ans. We suggest you go for Diabetes Care Therapy that offers complete management of sugar levels and body rejuvenation from within. Diabetes Care Therapy works on balancing the doshas, improving organ functioning(in this case pancreas) and detoxing the body from within.

Q. Is Ashwagandha good for diabetes?

Ans. Ashwagandha is an adaptogen and can play a vital role in reducing the overall stress of the body. It can help diabetic patients by increasing insulin secretion and improving insulin sensitivity in muscle cells. 




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