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HomeHealthTop Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep that You Must Know

Top Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep that You Must Know


Sleep is a basic instinct of life and is necessary for everyone. It plays a very important role in the healing and rejuvenation of the human body.

 It is recommended to sleep for 7-9 hours daily so that you can give your best in your day-to-day activities. Here are the recommended sleep timings for adults of different age groups. Required sleep hours-

 For adults (18–60 years): 7-plus hours

 For adults (61–64 years): 7–9 hours

 For adults (65+ years): 7–8 hours

 For teens (13–18 years): 8–10 hours

Benefits of a good night’s sleep

 Improves memory power

It is really interesting to know that our mind is constantly working even when we are asleep. It is processing the memories of the day that we spent. 

If you are not getting enough sleep then you can easily lose those memories and in the worst case, your mind can create false memories. These are some really strange tricks that our mind can play when lacking proper sleep.

 Boosts immunity

 When your body gets right amount of sleep, the immune cells and various other enzymes and proteins can work efficiently in fighting off infections such as the flu. Studies have shown that sleep can also make vaccines more effective. So, don’t compromise on your in this time of pandemic when you need your immunity working for you the most. And, whenever you wish to take that Covid-19 shot, give your body the rest that it needs.

If you are watching your weight, then you must know this

We know what you are about to say…that sleeping will not help you lose those calories. But, it will definitely help your body to keep packing on those calories for good. If you are not sleeping well, then Ghrelin (hormone that boosts apatite) increases and Leptin (a hormone that signals that you are full) decreases. The imbalance in these hormones can cause hunger pangs and you can end up eating late-night snacks. So, if you wish to stay away from adding all those extra pounds to your body, it is recommended to have a healthy sleep routine.

Improves Mood

Well everyone will agree with me on this. A good night’s sleep can lead to a better mood. You will feel rested, less stressed and with high energy levels. Your day will be less annoying for you and there will be a feeling of happiness and contentment. 

Raise concentration and productivity

Sleep has a direct effect on your cognitive functioning. Sleep deprivation can negatively affect your concentration, performance, productivity and overall creativity. Getting enough sleep can improve academic performance in children, adolescents, and young adults. So, if you are preparing for your exams, and office presentation and are involved in an activity that involves mental work, then you will have to prioritize your sleep at all costs.

Takes care of your cardiac health

Your chances of getting heart disease increase many folds in case of sleep deprivation. A study has indicated that sleeping for less than 7 hours daily can increase your chances of heart disease by 13%. A shorter duration of sleep has been shown to increase the risk of High BP and makes things worse for people with Sleep Apnea.

Enhances sugar metabolism & reduces the risk of Type-2 Diabetes

Not sleeping enough? You can be at a higher risk for Type-2 Diabetes and insulin resistance. Your body is unable to use the hormone insulin properly when you are sleep deprived.  There can be other physiological changes such as lower insulin sensitivity, an increase in hunger hormone, and an increase in inflammation in the body. This also affects your decision making and you can end up eating more than usual. All these factors put you straight on the path to full-blown Diabetes. And to add to this vicious cycle, you are also at a higher risk of obesity, heart diseases and slow metabolism. 

Reduces inflammation

Sleep plays a key role in the regulation of the stress-response systems known as the sympathetic nervous system and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in the body. Sleep deprivation activates the inflammatory signaling pathways and increases inflammation. Over time, chronic inflammation can cause the development of many chronic conditions such as obesity, heart diseases, certain types of cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, and type 2 diabetes to name a few.

Along with nutrition and exercise, taking care of your sleep is one of the key pillars of health.

Positively affects your social and emotional intelligence

Sleep also affects people’s emotional and social intelligence. If someone is  not getting adequate sleep, he/she is more likely to have issues with recognizing other people’s emotions and expressions. So, sleep directly affects your emotional empathy.

The Bottom Line

Sleep has a bearing on your overall mental and physical well-being.  People who get less sleep are heavier with high BMI and are prone to lifestyle disorders such as Hypertension and Diabetes to name a few. It improves your mood, minimizes the chances of Anxiety and Depression and improves brain functioning. 

To create a night time routine to get your mind and body relaxed, you can listen to classical music or meditate. 

Stop looking at your phone or tablet so that you can fall asleep faster.

Blissful Sleep Tab


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Trust Ayurvedic formulation made from natural herbs such as Blissful Sleep. These herbal formulations work on the principles of Ayurveda, have no side effects like a sleeping pill and are non-addictive. 

Sweet Dreams!

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