By Pramod Madhav: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin, during his May Day speech in Chennai’s Chetpet on Monday, announced that the controversial amendments to Factory Law, allowing 12-hour shifts under the flexible work clause, had been withdrawn.
“Amendments to Factory Law have turned controversial. This was only done to attract vast investments to Tamil Nadu and provide job opportunities to the youth, especially in South and North districts,” said CM Stalin, who then explained that the amendments were not applicable to all industries, but to only specific industries with various conditions and restrictions.
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“But trade unions had several questions which led to the amendment being criticised. Though the amendment was brought by Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) Government, even DMK Trade Union opposed it, which was astonishing, but I do appreciate them for this as it only shows how democratic DMK is,” said CM Stalin.
“Following the criticism, a meeting was held between the minister and trade union representatives, and the amendments made were withdrawn,” he said.
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He then said, unlike forcing farmers to protest against the changes made to farm laws by the Centre leading to several deaths, he did not have any qualms about recalling an amendment if it was what people wanted.