By Divyesh Singh: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Friday made another arrest in the 2021 Naupada fake currency case, in which counterfeit Indian currency notes of Rs 2,000 were seized. The arrest came two days after the NIA searched multiple locations across Maharashtra. So far, three people have been arrested in the case.
The accused, Md Fayaaz Shikilkar, was taken into custody after 12 sharp-edged swords and incriminating materials, linking him to the seizure of high-quality fake Indian currency notes (FICN), were found in his possession. The NIA’s investigation showed that the accused was in touch with the D-company for the racket.
Also Read | Mumbai: NIA raids 6 locations in 2021 fake currency case, unearths ‘D-Company’ link
Materials recovered from the houses and offices of the accused and the suspects during the searches at six locations on Wednesday led the anti-terror agency to 33-year-old Mohammad Fayaaz, a resident of Mumbai.
Two people, identified as Riyaz and Nasir, also residents of Mumbai, are currently in judicial custody.
The Thane City Police originally registered a case on November 18, 2021, under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967. The police had chargesheeted the two in the profile case, which was taken over by the NIA, which then filed a fresh case on February 7, 2023.
Also Read | NIA takes over fake currency case from Mumbai Crime Branch