By Shilpa Nair: Tamil Nadu BJP Chief K Annamalai hit out at Chief Minister MK Stalin over transfer of minister Palanivel Thiaga Rajan, claiming that PTR was moved out of finance department only because of the audio tapes.
Two audio clips were released recently by Annamalai. It was purported to be a conversation between PTR and another person in which PTR allegedly made remarks about the assets of DMK’s first family. PTR had dismissed such claims and rejected the clips as “malicious and fabricated,” and insisted they were digitally altered.
A day earlier, PTR was shifted to Information technology department in a major Cabinet reshuffle.
“PTR’s portfolio was changed only because of the audio tapes. This is not acceptable. Because he has not done any wrong,” Annamalai said during a press conference.
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“The PTR tapes, let it come to court. Let the tape be heard by a judge and let it be subjected to forensic analysis. I am ready to submit the full tape to the court. The tape has a full one-hour conversation and it will be submitted in court,” he added.
Annamalai further claimed that he is not releasing third or fourth part of the tapes because he doesn’t want PTR to become a “scapegoat”.
The Tamil Nadu BJP chief further announced that he will release “Part 2 of DMK Files” in July. It will be about 21 DMK leader, he said.