By India Today News Desk: A make-up artist was reportedly hacked to death by her lover in a Kanhanagd lodge in Kerala on Tuesday. The police have now identified the victim as PB Devika, 34. According to a report in Onmanorama, the Hosdurg police have identified Devika as being a native of Mukkunoth at Mangad in Udma grama panchayat. Her lover has been named Satheesh, 36.
The police reportedly stated that Satheesh murdered Devika at the lodge around 1 30 pm and locked the room from the outside. Satheesh then walked to the police station which was about 500 m away from the lodge and surrendered to the police admitting his crime.
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Kanhangad DSP P Balakrishnan Nair told Onmanorama that Satheesh came to the police station only around 5 pm and appraised them of the crime. When they went to the lodge, they found Devika dead with her throat slit.
Satheesh ran a private security agency in Kanhanagd and was reportedly living in the lodge for around two months. On May 16, Devika had come to Kanhanagd to attend an event held by the Kerala State Barber-Beautician Workers Union, an organisation affiliated with the CITU. After the event, she went to the lodge with Satheesh, where he apparently killed her.
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The police also stated that the two had been having personal problems. Devika was married with children and so was Satheesh. The make-up artist was allegedly pressuring him to divorce his wife and marry her. The Hosdurg Police is conducting an investigation into the case now.