By India Today Web Desk: Two days after the video of a man taunting a wild elephant that was trying to cross a road near the Hogenakkal forest area in Dharmapuri went viral on social media, Tamil Nadu Police has arrested the man. The man clad in a white shirt and a dhoti with a green shawl around his neck was allegedly trying to clear the path for several commuters, who were waiting for the tusker to leave.
Officials said he was arrested on charges such as trespass under multiple sections of the Tamil Nadu Forest Act and the Wildlife (Protection) Act.
Onlookers said the man was drunk when he was caught on camera.
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Supriya Sahu, additional chief secretary of environment, climate change and forests, took to Twitter and wrote, “This person has been arrested and taken into custody.Well done DFO Dharmapuri. This should serve as a deterrent to others.”
In the video of nearly a minute and a half, the man can be seen approaching the wild tusker in an attempt to ask the wild tusker to leave the spot as vehicles make a wait queue waiting for the elephant to leave. The man can be seen taunting the elephant in the beginning. He later raises his arms and begins to pray, leaving the elephant more confused.
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It even tries to scare the man by stomping the mud, breaking a bush, and creating noise. As the vehicles begin to leave, he prays before him with folded hands, touches the ground before the elephant three times, and leaves.